
2022 review - music

This year I finally replaced the Yamaha KX-88 I've owned since... 2004? I bought it back when I worked at Long & McQuade on Bloor St in Toronto. Someone had brought it in as a trade-in and I bought it that same day. I really loved that keyboard. It's a beast. It's over 60lbs. The keys are stiff. The UI is confusing and hard to use. It's from 1984.

But it's only a midi controller, and I primarily wanted it for practicing piano. I'd tried using it with a PC running Kontakt on and off, and with a Roland JV-1080 for years. What I really wanted was something I could just turn on and play without having to plug something in. I found a used Yamaha CP4 Stage at a local music shop that I'm pretty happy with.

I played it a lot when I first got it in the summer, but I've dropped off. I need to establish some better habits.

In general music has been on the back burner. Not sure why. I have a lot of song ideas. I have a lot songs 99% finished. I want to get back to making music, but I'm not making time for it. Bit of a realization as I'm writing - I need a long stretch of time where I can dedicate myself more fully to it. Work has been really rewarding this last year, and it's easy to get lost in it, and other things. So this year I'll see if I can block out some time.